Cash is Flowing Fast for OnStop Members
Released on = October 27, 2006, 8:13 am
Press Release Author = OnStop Limited
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = provides a revolutionary new way for companies to manage their cashflow and reduce the incidence of late payments.
Press Release Body = In 2004, was set up to provide a revolutionary new way for companies to manage their cashflow and reduce the incidence of late payments.
Since over a third of new businesses fail because they are unable top pay their suppliers owing to the fact that their customers have not paid them, there was a real demand for the service provided by OnStop at the time of its launch.
Many businesses are nervous about chasing late payments in case they damage customer relationships. By contacting debtors for them in a professional way, OnStop ensures that these important relationships are not damaged and that its members get paid what they are owed.
The approach is so successful that 95% of debtors who receive a letter from OnStop pay within ten days.
As well as providing a third party debt chasing service, OnStop also has a national database of late paying companies which its members can search to find out a potential customer's payment history.
Since its launch's membership base has been growing fast and the organisation now boasts over 1.5 million satisfied customers.
Web Site =
Contact Details = OnStop Limited Enterprise Way Airedale Business Park Keighley Road Skipton United Kingdom BD23 2TZ
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